In the pens ready to be judged.
Ted Williams with his ewe entry.
Judge Matthew Evans checking the turn of a ram’s horns.
Adult Ram classE.O Williams with his ram
Another nice older ram.
And another.
And a very nice boy with wide spread horns.
Checking the back and loin area. This is the shearling ram class.
Judging Will Workman’s ram lamb.
And still more ram lambs.
From right to left Chris Garn, Patricia Laws, Will Workman, E.O Williams and then I am not sure who the next handlers are as I got pictures of the sheep not the people.
The top three, first place winners in each class. From front to back. Julia Patterson with her winner adult ram. Patricia Laws with her shearling ram winner and E.O. Williams with his winning ram lamb.
The breed Champion Patricia Laws and her ram Hounsley Joker sired by Abbotstone Colin. Sold for 440 guineas.
Reserve is E.O Williams with his ram lamb Wenallt Kenchester sired by Wenallt Endevour. Sold for 390 guineas.
Pen of ewes before the auction.
Pen of ewes being sold in the auction.
Will Workman’s ewes he bought at the auction. I had to find the best head out of this batch as part of my judges training.
Driving with Melinda Baker and her husband to Somerset where I was staying for the next few dys.