We have officially finished lambing for 2009. We are now at 152 days from when we took the rams out. While technically we could have lambs up until 155 days none of the remaining ewes look pregnant nor do they have any udders at al so I have declared us finished.
For the year we bred 56 ewes. 48 of them lambed producing 71 lambs total, 41 ram lambs and 30 ewe lambs.
I will be evaluating the ewes that did not lamb but with the AI experiment and the ram that didn’t work it is possible that some ewes were never in heat with a ram that performed so they may get a pass for this year. We also had 4 stillborn lambs. Not too bad considering.
Now the real fun starts, deciding which lambs are keep, sell or butcher and planning matings for next year based on the results and quality of the lambs produced this year.