Ewe Sorting and Some Lamb Vaccinations

We got one batch of the ewes sorted out. This group will go to the live cover ram as a control for the AI procedure. They are all now sorted into the breeding pen and have had their fall dewormer to kill the nose bots. The potential AI girls are now in the other pen...

Toe Trimming & Deworming

Finished trimming toes on the last half of the adult ewes today. The sheep have better feet this year compared to other years. We’ve been culling for poor hoof growth patterns for a while but not very heavily. Seems to have made a big difference this year...

Sheep Shots

31 July we gave all the lambs their first vaccinations and also did a deworming. Nose bots are a real problem this year so we have had to watch carefully and deworm more frequently. Here the sheep are going back up to their grazing segment. We use electronet just as a...

Sheep Dewormer

The pregnant ewes got their dewormer yesterday. One of the ways we reduce the parasite load in the pastures is to be sure to deworm the ewes 24-48 hours before they go out for the summer. That combined with our hard winters mean that we rarely have to deworm lambs...

Sheep Sorting & Dewormer

Yesterday we got all the ewes resorted into their secondary breeding groups and their fall/winter wormer done. We have to deworm with ivermectin drench after a hard freeze to kill the nose bots that infest sheep. Well we had a cold snap, then warm weather and there...