Delivering Hay

Delivering Hay

Morning Chores. We move the ewes out of the pen and close the gate. Ken can then drive a bale in and place it under the hay shed row roof. Put the hay feeder panels back around the bale and then take the twines off and let the sheep in. It's working well. These are...

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Fire Mitigation

Fire Mitigation

Larry is back trimming the back cedars pasture. It's mostly junipers but we've always called it the cedars. The goal is to remove all the low hanging branches so a fire won't get up into the crowns of the trees. It's a lot of work but can really make the difference if...

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Ram Health Issues

So a while ago we had a ram yearling die from what we thought was injuries caused by fighting. His bladder had burst. However yesterday we had another ram yearling starting with the same behaviors. One is just bad luck, 2 means you need to look at management to see if...

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Vote for Desert Weyr!

Vote for Desert Weyr!

I entered the FEDEX Small Business Grant Contest and am seeking votes to make it into the top 100 and into the next round. You may vote once per day from each of the major social media platforms. Please consider giving us your vote.

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Sheep Happens

Sheep Happens

Sadly we had a ram yearling die today. He'd been injured in a fight. As required we had to do a post mortem on him to determine the cause of death. Unfortunately it was a burst bladder, probably from getting a horn in the belly. We are allowed to bury animals on our...

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Snow Insulation

Snow Insulation

We have a hose connected to a buried pipe that runs ditch water. It usually freezes part way through winter. We leave the hose running and that helps but lately we've discovered that we can keep the water running longer if we cover the hose with snow after we use it.

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