by Oogie | May 20, 2016 | Black Welsh Mountain Sheep, Solar Energy
We are now officially in the lambing lull, that break between when the AI lambs and lambs from the AI backup rams are due and the lambs sired by the secondary rams are due. It’s been a busy and somewhat difficult lambing so far. Our AI experiment was a rousing...
by OogieFarmBlog | Dec 18, 2007 | Uncategorized
With the combination of construction and the snow all the chickens are being kept in their house for the winter. To keep them happy we take lots of treats, scraps of food, stale bread, vegetable pieces like carrot ends or bits of lettuce and stuff. Here the chickens...
by OogieFarmBlog | Nov 5, 2007 | Uncategorized
It’s fall and this year I vowed not to go into winter with as many sheep as I had last year. So our fall slaughtering has started. We’ve already done 16 adult ewes and today was 10 young rams. We have to schedule slaughter dates over a year in advance and...
by OogieFarmBlog | Oct 24, 2007 | Uncategorized
The early snow has pretty much all melted and we got one batch of ram lambs back out on our triticale pasture regrowth. We made sure they were all pretty full with hay before putting them out and made an aisle of electric fence to prevent too much pugging of the...
by OogieFarmBlog | Oct 23, 2007 | Uncategorized
Watching the news about the big fires in San Diego county yesterday and today prompted me to review our farm emergency plan. We used to live in San Diego, in Ramona, one of the towns in the path of the fires. The latest data indicates our old house was either on the...