Flat Stanley has a Busy Day

Today was a busy day here at the farm. Stuff didn’t really get started until the afternoon but we had a lot to do.Our first problem was the septic tank. We’ve had some sewer gas backing up into the house when we do laundry. The plumber came yesterday and...


The first batch of dinner chickens are ready to butcher. These guys are a bit smaller than last year burt are 2 weeks younger. The difference in food costs may offset the smaller size. Anyway, we’ve been out of chicken for a while so it will be good to get them...

Chicken Show

Tuesday was the Delta County Fair Open and 4H Poultry Show. The Helleckson’s and I show chickens in the open class. Here we are in the judging lineup with our old Gold Penciled Hamburg hens who were molting and looked pretty scruffy. Stephanie took first, Jacob...

Chicks are Growing

The baby chicks are growing well and feathering out nicely. We already turned off the big heater and now only have a couple of heat lamps for them at night. Soon we’ll be able to turn those off too. Desert Weyr Farm Blog

Sheep and Chickens

The spare sheep has settled right in. He hardly even moves now when we go outside. He is eating the hay for the horses and donkey and we’ve had to move sheep away from where he is. I sure wish he’d head on out to somewhere else.The new batch of chickens is...