Wooly Lawnmowers

Why dig out the string trimmer when you have sheep?After all, that’s what makes a great lawn, sheep grazing on it. So we fenced off the front of the house for the sheep. We did have to put some jug panels up on the stairs to prevent sheep from coming up onto the...

Planting, Marking, Lambing and more

Lots has been going on and I haven’t updated this very much since we’ve been so busy. The white shed is now completely gone. It sure looks different out there now. We still have a few of the foundation pieces that need to be removed. They are rotten logs...


We’re getting down to the last of the demolition projects on the farm. This old shed was near one corner of the front field. The wooden supports had been eaten by horses and the siding was just particle board that had been painted. It didn’t have any...

More Disking

Several passes later and the front field is looking pretty good. Still need to disk it once more to break up theclods but we should be ready to plant later this week. As soon as it’s planted and marked we’ll have to hurry to get the irrigation pipes set up...

Disking the Field

Our front west field is being disked now to prepare it for planting. We don’t have a big enough tractor or disk to do this sort of work on the fields so we hire the job out to custom farmers in our area. We’re going to put it back to permanent irrigated...