Lambing Again

First lambs of the second batch. A set of triplet ram lambs. We put them all in a wire panel jug for a few hours just to be sure mom could count to three. She did seem to lose track of one of the lambs when we first moved her out to fresh grass but she is getting...

Surprise Lamb, Bull! Wooly Lawnmowers

Today started out rather interesting. We had planned to make a trip to Grand Junction to do the in between batches fo lambs shopping but had to change our plans. First we had a surprise late lamb. 9 pounds 9 ounces and doing fine. Mom had him up dry and nursed when we...

Winnie & the Lambs

Winnie has decided she is now the official lambing pasture guard dog along with Kimball. Winnie seems to take up a station near the youngest lambs and stays there until there are newer ones. She is being very alert and watchful and doing a great job. Desert Weyr Farm...

Mother’s Day Special!

The ewes are finally lambing. For Mother’s Day we had 3 ewes lamb 5 lambs. 4 ewe lambs and a ram lamb. All are doing well although I had to assist 2 of the ewes. One had twins and legs were back the other was a first timer and didn’t dilate and then the...