by Oogie | May 29, 2018 | Black Welsh Mountain Sheep
One of the Wide Load sheep still hasn’t lambed yet. We are both anxiously waiting. I am sure she will be more comfortable once those lambs are outside!
by Oogie | Mar 18, 2016 | Black Welsh Mountain Sheep
Shearing has begun. We’re betting on twins in there. And twins most likely in this one too.
by OogieFarmBlog | May 2, 2015 | Black Welsh Mountain Sheep
We are still lambing. So far only 8 ewes have lambed and we have 10 live lambs. We did lose a ewe and her twins to a really bad dystocia but those are the only losses we’ve had so far. Our AI girls are looking like they will pop if they move too fast. We are...
by OogieFarmBlog | Mar 14, 2015 | Black Welsh Mountain Sheep
Warm and dry again. Pregnant ewes are rotund. Still have about 6 weeks to go before lambing is due to start. Looks like a lot will go to the AI so up to 30 all due at once.
by OogieFarmBlog | Mar 6, 2015 | Black Welsh Mountain Sheep
Having smart sheep isn’t always a good thing. This is the gate at the bottom of the corral where the ewe yearlings are living. These brats have figures out how to unclip the chain and untie the baling twine. So now we try to put enough separate ties on so that...