March Snows

More snow. This is the lane under the hay barn. The fence on the right is 4 feet tall. So far the rams haven’t decided to try to escape. The hay seems to be keeping them occupied. It’s going to be a very muddy spring when all this melts. Desert Weyr Farm...

Black Welsh Mountain Sheep in Snow

This is what the front looks like today. We had to put a bit more fence up. This is one of the adult rams thinking about trying to jump out. So far only 1 ram lamb has escaped but I bet by tomorrow these guys would be out if we hadn’t put up more fence. Desert...

More Snow!

We got another 8 inches or more of snow and it’s still snowing. Sheep tend to walk in the same trails once they have made them. Here are the adult ewes coming up for hay.This ewe lamb is about to step over the fence. Those are 4 foot fences she’s ready to...

Digging Sheep Paths

We had a lot of snow last night. Our power was out for about 8 hours. It’s a heavy wet snow and it warmed up enough that all of the snow fell off the barn roof at once. I sure hope there are no sheep under that. They usually run to the end of the pen and wait it...

Back Window View

Back Window ViewOriginally uploaded by Oogie McGuireLast night we got between 1.5 to 2 feet of snow. This is the view out the upstairs back window of the house. The snow is building up on the porch roof. Desert Weyr Farm Blog