Today (why always on a weekend?) Becky came in with a huge gash in her side. No idea what she did but after a trip to the emergency vet in Delta 30 miles away she is stitched up. We were given some stuff to keep her from chewing the drain and stitches but it didn’t work so Ken made a cardboard e-collar. We’ll go back to our regular vet on Monday for a real one.

The good news is that second cutting hay was very good. Especially nice after the disappointing first cutting. The barn is full of hay and we are set for winter. It’s such a nice feeling to have hay in the barn to feed all the critters! It’s really good hay too. Nice and green and very high quality. The sheep love it and we’ll have to watch they don’t get too fat.

Ken got the trench dug for the gas line to run the propane heater for the shop building. The heater has arrived and should be installed sometime in the next couple of weeks.