Another day with Melinda Baker. We sorted and looked at her entire flock and then got to visit two other flocks as well.
Here are Melinda’s show sheep, ewe lambs and wethers.
After getting the catch pens set up we got the sheep into the pen. It was refreshing to see someone else set up pens and fences to guide the sheep rather than use a herding dog.
Here’s everyone caught. We sorted sheep and discussed the good and bad points of all of them. Some were marked for butcher soon and others will be kept for a while. I really enjoyed talking to another person about their flock and had a great time.
Our next stop was to evaluate the ram lambs that belong to Dr. Peter Holden. I didn’t get any pictures there but Melinda and I ended up with the same sheep as the number 1 and 2 ram lambs and also agreed on the poorest ones. We had a few differences in the middle ranks but I felt good about my explanations and also could see what she was looking for in her sheep as well.
Melinda had arranged for us to visit Lyn Cockerill and see her flock of Black Welsh.