Solar Startup Issues

The solar system got finished but on one of the first days something went wrong and in spite of the various sensors and pumps the circulator pump stopped working. Temperatures at the top of the collector reached nearly 350 degrees. So Ken put tarps up to shade it...

Cool Tool!

Every year we tear down the welded wire pens so the manure can be scraped out. Then we have to rebuild them. This usually means several days or weeks of pounding in t-posts by hand. Blisters and sore muscles are only some of the hazards of this task. This is getting...

Solar Controls

With the panels up work moves back inside. Sensors, controller, expansion tanks, pumps and valves all had to be hooked up. Desert Weyr Farm Blog

Solar Panels On Roof

On 16 September the big day. Time to get the solar panels on the roof. Our system is designed toa have 5 panels initially but it is set up to take an extra panel if we need it later. First is getting the ropes and ladders set and the safety lines tied onto the truck...

More Solar Work

25 August and the heat dump loop is complete. Next was to work on the actual panel mounting structure. First step was to get the blocks that will be used to provide the spacing for the braces installed. That got finished on 11 September. The next day the mounting...