Off to Wales!

While Ken stayed home to care for the farm I headed off to Wales again to continue training to become an approved judge for Black Welsh Mountain Sheep. After a relatively unevventful plane flight from Grand Junction to Dallas, then overnight flight from Dallas to...

Summer Pasture, Rambo and Rambutt

Late Summer Grazing. The bare patch in the pasture is where we burned the prunings this year. I need to find a different way to deal with the pruning debris because it hurts the pasture to burn it. Rambo and his buddy Rambutt. Rambutt is the one looking at us, he has...

Lambs, Rambo & a new fence

Ewes and lambs are doing well. All of the lambs are of very good quality but we still have a bunch of ewes that we hope will lamb.The lambs are learning about the electric fences. But some just look especially cute as they rest. This is RamboHe is now on mom number 4,...

King of the Hill

The adult rams are all out on pasture. We have a carefully hoarded pile of dirt that has become the focus of much pushing and shoving by the boys who are trying to be the top ram. Desert Weyr Farm Blog