by Oogie | Mar 22, 2016 | General Farm
We’ve removed all the old corrals and handling system stuff in preparation for the rebuilding later this summer.
by Oogie | Mar 3, 2016 | General Farm
We’re planning on reconfiguring the sheep sweep handling system when we put it under the other side of the hay barn. But to be sure it will fit and see how the sheep work through it we decided to get it moved up to the main hay barn area before shearing. Here it...
by Oogie | Feb 15, 2016 | General Farm
Now that we’ve made the transition to large square hay bales we no longer need the backstop that the old hay stack wagon used to push the small bales up against. We’ve decided to take it down and see if we can move the sheep handling system under the hay...
by Oogie | Dec 25, 2015 | General Farm, Weather
Well we don’t have to worry about having a white Christmas! So much snow we probably couldn’t get out even if we wanted to. Solar panels are covered and not producing much.
by Oogie | Oct 31, 2015 | General Farm, Meat Products
It’s finally here, we are ready for Garvin Mesa’s Celebrate! event. Come out and get your own personally signed copy of Bob’s book, “Much Ado About Mutton”.
by Oogie | Oct 29, 2015 | General Farm
While Bob and Carolyn were here we arranged for a visit to Joe Sperry’s flock of Polypay sheep and watch them being loaded onto the truck to come down out of the mountain. Joe has a lovely flock of sheep. He moves them to his ranch in Delta using big trucks...